Adult Ministries

  • Adult Sunday School: Romans

    After studying John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress in our previous adult Sunday school session, many questions arose about the doctrine of salvation and God's sovereignty. To explore these topics more deeply, we will turn to the source, and perhaps the greatest letter ever written: the book of Romans. As J.I. Packer aptly put it, "All roads in the Bible lead to Romans." This fall, we will focus on chapters 1 through 7.

    When: Sundays at 9:00am

    Teacher: Ardel Caneday

  • Adult Sunday School: Biblical Storytelling

    Have you ever considered that the Bible is a story? Not just any story, but one rich with a tapestry of interconnected narratives. By learning about the art of storytelling and understanding literary elements like plot, characterization, and setting, we can become better interpreters of the greatest story ever told.

    When: Sundays at 9:00am

    Teacher: Todd Oakes

  • Women's Ministry

    The women of Christ Bible Church will come together for fellowship activities throughout the year, such as Soup and Salad Night, tea tastings, and more! For additional details, please contact us here.

    When: Select Dates

  • Wednesday Nights

    Coming soon! Access recordings from previous Wednesday night studies here.

    When: Wednesdays

  • Fellowship Groups

    Join us once a month for our Fellowship Groups where we come together over good food, fellowship, and encouragement. Experience the community at CBC by attending one of our gatherings in person. For more information, please contact us here.

    When: Select Dates

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