Christ Bible Church affirms the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 as its statement of faith. Additionally, the following affirmations are central to CBC’s beliefs and practices as we affirm the core tenets of the Protestant Reformation:
Grace Alone
Salvation is not of works but is of God’s grace alone, for he redeems his people on the basis of Christ’s sacrificial atonement (1 Pet. 3:18). Salvation is the gift of God to sinners (Eph. 2:5–8).
Faith Alone
Salvation comes by grace alone and through personal faith alone in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:8–9). God imparts new life at the moment of conversion, which is displayed through an obedient faith (1 Pet. 1:23; John 3:1–14). God grants salvation through this faith. While works save no one, authentic faith produces good works (Eph. 2:10; Jas. 2:14–26).
Christ Alone
Salvation comes through the redeeming work of Christ alone (Rom. 5:18–21). As the God-man, Christ alone is able to reconcile humans to God. As salvation comes through Christ’s work alone; therefore, our faith in God goes through Christ alone (Acts 4:12). Christ Jesus alone is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15).
Scripture Alone
The Bible is God’s word, and it reveals everything we need for life and godliness (2 Tim. 3.16–17). As God’s Word, Scripture alone is perfect, inerrant, and sufficient for the man of God. Since Scripture is God’s special revelation to man, it is the final earthly authority for life and conduct.
Glory to God Alone
As salvation is God’s work, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all glory belongs to God alone (Rom. 16:27; Eph. 1:6). Moreover, as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, everything exists to glorify God (Col. 1:15–20). All glory and honor ultimately belong to him (Jude 1:24–25). Christ Bible Church exists to bring glory to God alone for all that he has done, especially through the gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 10:31). The doctrine of the Trinity reveals the glory of God as there is one God (Deut. 6:4) who eternally exists as three persons— Father, Son, and Spirit (Matt. 28:19).
Our Essentials
Below is a summary of what Christ Bible Church views as essentials for all local, healthy churches:
1. Christ’s Lordship Is Essential
As God the Son, Jesus Christ is the name to which every knee will bow. He is the Lord of all whether He is acknowledged as Lord or not. Christ, the incarnate Word, is eternally God, the Creator, and he rules over everything visible and invisible. Through his death and resurrection, he atoned for the sins of his people, established his kingdom, and then ascended to the right hand of the Father. In Heaven, he rules over everything until the appointed time when his kingdom will be fully realized in this world. Christ’s sovereign rule is most clearly seen in his Body, the church. No government, and no man, stands as its head. As the church declares Christ’s universal lordship, she is to be free from the dictates of men and the state to advance the Son’s eternal kingdom.
(Colossians 1:15–20)
2. The Word of God Is Essential
God has spoken to us through His Word, so that we may rightly know ourselves, creation, and him. As God’s Word, Scripture is perfect, true, and sufficient. It is the foundation for everything we do. By revealing himself through words, God affirms that words, ideas, and language are essential. Therefore, CBC stresses expositional preaching and teaching as the lifeblood of the church.
(John 17:14–19; 2 Timothy 3: 16–17; 2 Timothy 4:2–4)
3. Truth Is Essential
God is the source of everything, including truth. In an age of relativism, chaos, and darkness it is vital the church proclaims, loves, and lives out truth. God spoke so that we may know the objective, universal truth that flows from his nature. Truth is ultimately found in the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Christians must continually seek truth in their lives.
(Psalm 51:6; 86:11; Zechariah 8:16; John 14:6; 17:6, 16–17; Romans 1:18)
4. Dependent Prayer Is Essential
As a church of the living God, CBC recognizes its utter dependence upon the Lord. Christ sustains all things, and without his continuous grace, we would have nothing. The church’s life must reflect our dependence by going before the Lord in humble prayer, seeking his provision, mercy, strength, truth, and wisdom.
(Acts 1:14; Romans 8:26; Philippians 4:6–7; 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18; 1 Timothy 2:1–4)
5. Worship Is Essential
The entirety of life is an act of worship to God. As the church gathers together, she offers praise to God corporately. This worship should be multigenerational as it strengthens the congregation and glorifies God.
(Nehemiah 8:1–2; Matthew 28: 19–20; Romans 12:1–2)
6. Music Is Essential
All songs teach. The only question is whether they teach truth or error. Songs must direct us outwardly toward God as they instruct us inwardly and as they truthfully express the worth of Christ. Music is essential in that it conveys truth and beauty. Therefore, churches should utilize God-glorifying content with excellence and quality of music, displaying beauty and skill in its delivery.
(Exodus 36:1–2; Psalm 33:3)
7. Children Are Essential
Children are a gift from God to be cherished and nurtured in the truth of the gospel. While each child must decide on his or her own to follow God or not, it is the duty of churches to partner with parents in instructing children in the knowledge of and obedience to God. This is a most sacred and important job of the church and Christian family.
(Deuteronomy 6:4–9; Psalm 78:2–4, 6–7; Psalm 127:3–4; Matthew 19:14)
8. Missions Is Essential
Every church is an outpost of God’s kingdom in this fallen world. The local church must equip its people for the ministry of reaching the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. CBC aims to reach its community, state, country, and the world with a bold proclamation of the gospel.
(Matthew 28:16–18; Romans 10:14–15; Ephesians 4:11–16)
9. Service Is Essential
Every church should practice the “one anothers” of Scripture through sacrificial service to one another. The charge to love one another manifests in many ways including meeting the spiritual and physical needs of others. This love shows itself in many ways including in the giving of our time, money, and talents for the good of others. CBC aims to exemplify the love of Christ in our fellowship and beyond.
(Leviticus 19:9–10; Psalm 68:5; Matthew 25:35–40; John 13:35; Acts 20:34–35; 2 Corinthians 9:6–8; James 1:27)
10. Cheerful Giving Is Essential
God calls us all to give with a cheerful heart for everything we possess was first given to us by Him.
(Matthew 6:20–21; 2 Corinthians 9:6–8)
11. Membership is Essential
The local church is not just the pastors, elders, or deacons—it is the people. Every healthy church must have a robust membership. The church is the body of believers who join together to worship, minister, preach, obey, and serve. The members are to be believers who are walking faithfully in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Each individual brings different gifts, passions, strengths, and weaknesses to the body, and each is vital to the health of the church.
(1 Corinthians 12:4–7)
12. Church Governance Is Essential
The Bible has set forth how the local church is to be run. There are two offices of leadership in the church—elders and deacons. Those serving in these roles must meet the biblical qualifications and should be examples of the faith to the rest of the church. While the elders are to teach and lead the church, they are accountable to the congregation as a whole. By following the biblical model of church governance, a local congregation is best prepared to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
(1 Timothy 3:1, 8; 5:17; 1 Peter 5:1–3)
13. Biblical Sexuality is Essential
From the beginning, God created humanity as male and female. Both sexes who equally bear God’s image and are of equal glory and worth. God immutably establishes the sex of each individual and he calls everyone to righteously express their sexuality. As a gift of God, human sexuality must not be spurned, abused, or distorted. God’s design is for men and women to complement each other socially, relationally, and sexually. The fullness of God’s image is enhanced through the marital union of a man and a woman. The biblical ethic for sexuality is that sexual intercourse is reserved for the marriage of one man and woman joined together in lifelong covenant. Following this ethic blesses the individual, family, and society. Ignoring it brings untold harm to children, adults, and society and offends a holy God.
(Genesis 1:27; 2:24; 1 Corinthians 6:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:3–4; Hebrews 13:4)
14. Cultural Engagement Is Essential
God calls the church to evangelize and to engage the world. Christians must avoid the opposite errors of withdrawing from culture or of following the latest whims and fads of society. Properly engaging culture is not baptizing wicked ideologies into Christianity. Rather, true cultural engagement is exposing and repudiating errors in thinking and calling sinners to repentance. As the church declares Christ’s lordship, it seeks to take every thought captive, to demolish irrational claims, and to oppose every belief system opposed to Christ. Christians must unapologetically speak as Christians pointing to the gospel and lordship of Christ as revealed Scripture.
(2 Corinthians 10:3–6)