Hi, meet Christ Bible Church
We’re glad you’re here! At Christ Bible Church we aspire to follow Christ and live distinctively as Christians. Watch a brief welcome from Pastor Levi Secord below.
Our Mission
Christ Bible Church exists to glorify God by bringing all of Christ into all of life.
Our Distinctives
As a church committed to the universal reign of Christ, Christ Bible Church submits to Jesus by obeying his eternal and inerrant Word. Within the historical orthodox faith, Christ Bible Church distinguishes herself in the following ways:
I. We are baptistic in our views of church government and the ordinances.
II. We are Calvinistic in our convictions concerning God’s sovereignty over the universe and in saving his people.
III. We are complementarian in our views of human sexuality and God’s design of making humanity in his image as male and female.
IV. We are inerrantists who confess the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word.
V. We believe expositional preaching and teaching must be the main diet of a healthy church
VI. We are Christ-centered by affirming Christ is at the center of Scripture, and all of life. He is the pinnacle and purpose of God’s revelation to us, and as Christ is the meaning of life, we seek to glorify and follow him in everything.
VII. We believe faithful worship must be God-centered not man-centered.
VIII. In a time where many churches sound increasingly like the world in how they engage culture, we aim to speak distinctively as Christians by destroying every ideology, belief, or worldview raised in opposition to Christ and we strive to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ for he alone is Lord (2 Cor. 10:3-6).
By the grace of God, Christ Bible Church endeavors to know Christ and to make him known throughout the world. Soli Deo Gloria.
Our Leadership
Our church is congregationally-ruled and led by a team of pastor-elders.
Our church affirms the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 and the core tenets of the Protestant Reformation as its statement of faith.
Our Beliefs
Our church values church membership as an important way to grow spiritually and stay accountable.