Christ Bible Church
Join us Sundays at 10:30am
211 N McCarrons Blvd, Roseville, MN 55113
We exist to glorify God by bringing all of Christ into all of life.
Why Christ Bible Church?
Christ Bible Church exists to glorify God by bringing all of Christ into all of life. As a church we bear Christ’s name because we belong to him and we seek to glorify, worship, and follow him. While some churches follow the latest trends, or parrot the world by endorsing the latest cause, Christ Bible Church seeks to follow only Christ and to speak distinctively as Christians. Moreover, God charges every faithful church with declaring Christ’s redemptive reign, which Christ established through his death, resurrection, and ascension. These truths invariably direct Christians to confess Christ’s preeminent and universal lordship (Col. 1:15-20). As the risen Lord, Christ reigns at the right hand of the Father over all the universe. As his people, Christ’s supremacy should be most evident in the life of the church. We proclaim the fullness of Christ’s glory and reign, seeking to bring all of Christ into all of life as we await his eternal kingdom.

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