Escape from Reason
Thoughts on Christ, Culture, and How the West Lost Its Mind
What a Friend: Five Principles for Christian Friendships
To be a Christian friend, you must first be a friend of Jesus.
Christendom, Classical Liberalism, and the Future
To reject classical liberalism is to overlook its Protestant roots and risk replacing biblical principles with flawed alternatives.
A Protestant Deformation: Is Partiality Ever Allowed?
Ideas have consequences. Some in the Reformed camp are now defending partiality—something they once opposed in CRT. What was once recognized as sinful is now being justified, mirroring the arguments of the regressive left.
Trust and Obey: Obedience Is the Opener of Eyes
Christianity today has become a soul-searching, navel-gazing mess, paralyzed by introspection and a misguided obsession with idol-hunting, when what’s needed is simple: to look to Jesus and obey.
Eye for an Eye Isn’t What You Think
An eye for an eye isn’t personal vengeance—it’s God’s blueprint for justice.
Misunderstood Justice: “Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God”
Micah 6:8 is one of the most commonly misunderstood Bible passages today, primarily because we often confuse mercy with justice. A closer examination reveals that this verse is not about social justice but rather about repentance and covenant faithfulness.
The Misunderstood Battle Cry: “Be Still and Know That I Am God”
Bible verses are often taken out of context to support personal agendas. Psalm 46:10 is a clear example. While it’s commonly understood as a call for personal peace, it’s actually God commanding the nations to stop their rebellion and acknowledge his authority.
The Church’s Never-Ending Culture War
Cultural warring as Christians is not optional. Christ is King, and the church brings with her a distinct culture wherever she goes and will remain involved in a culture war until Christ returns.
Shepherds for Sale: The Consequences of Bad Theological Ideas
Many mainline denominations, once bastions of orthodoxy, are now hollow shells with rainbow flags. In Megan Basham's latest book, Shepherds for Sale, she exposes how the secular left has targeted evangelicals in an effort to change their beliefs. Ideas have consequences, and theological ideas carry the greatest consequences.
Pray for the Republic: A Call for Churches to Obey 1 Timothy 2:1–3
Do you pray for political leaders? Such prayers aren’t a distraction from the gospel ministry of the church but align with God’s desire to see all people saved.
What Is a Woman, Anyway? From J.K. Rowling to the Bible
Why is J.K. Rowling’s feminist spell ineffective against transgenderism? Because it suffers from the same problem: making men and women indistinguishable.
When Jesus Insulted People: A Comprehensive List
Jesus never slandered, but he did use hard words. If that makes us uncomfortable, then it’s us who are in error.
Marriage and Happiness?
Marriage can be a blessing or a curse. The Bible teaches that true marital joy comes from faithfulness and selfless love, reflecting the greater reality of the gospel of Christ Jesus.
Holier Than Jesus but Worse Than Jonah
Many Christians refuse to speak clearly to a dying world and call it to repent because they believe it’s not nice. However, in their attempt to be holier than Jesus, they actually end up being worse than Jonah.
A Moral vs. Therapeutic World
Relativism rejects absolute truth, and a therapeutic worldview makes feelings ultimate. Together, they neuter the gospel and leave the world without any hope.
When Mercy Ministries Become Justice Ministries
Justice and mercy are both important to Christians. However, we must advocate for both without conflating or diminishing either.
The Necessity of a Christian Worldview
The only solution to secularism is the recovery of a robust Christian worldview.
The World Is Already Christianized
Many believers overlook their Christian legacy, assuming these truths are self-evident. Yet, if natural law or human reason truly led to universal equality, we would see human rights across history. However, historical evidence suggests otherwise.
Always Wronged but Never Wrong: The Demented Heart of Wokeness
How do we protect our church and denomination from wokeness? By confronting victimhood lies with regular calls for repentance, forgiveness, and Christ’s glorious promise of justice.
Above Your Master? The Sin of Winsomeness
Winsomeness can either be a sin or a virtue. It becomes a sin when we refuse to be like Jesus.